Wednesday, February 6, 2008

To eat meat or not eat meat, that is the question.

Today, after much careful contemplation, I finally have determined my stance on how to eat meat. After 12 years of not eating pigs, chickens, cows and the like, I am suddenly craving protein. My first impulse came a couple of weeks ago when I almost ordered rabbit. I then sampled oxtail and squid in polenta for an appetizer and now its all I can think about. After talking to my friend today, I decided to call my new plan foraging/hunter-gatherer. i.e. I am still not interested in ordering a burger from a cow that grew up on an industrial farm or a breaded chicken tender but rather, I will eat gamey type creatures that run wild. He pointed out that oxen dont run wild in the forest, have their tails surgically removed and get set free again but I am still working on the details. Bacon still smells super delicious and I want to eat that but not pork tenderloin, that just sounds gross. And, just like a sign, my salad at lunch today had a small twig in it. He said the sushi restaurant we ordered from in NYC must be foraging their lettuce now.


EJ said...

Huh, not sure what to think of this as of yet.

EJ said...
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